CAMRA - Campaign for Real Ale logo


Medical Conditions: To protect you, we do not want you to do anything which would be harmful, so please list any medical problems that may be aggravated by any of the tasks required at the beer festival. We have a team of First Aiders on site at all times and if your condition is more serious, we will advise them of it in case of emergency. The information provided will be treated in confidence. The information may be used in the case of a medical emergency where you may require treatment from first aiders or paramedics. We won't share this information unless required. The information will only be used in relation to your volunteer role at the Great British Beer Festival and will not be kept after the event.

Parking on site: Please indicate if you will be bringing a car to GBBF, we will try and accommodate your requirement at the NEC and will confirm closer to the event.

Working Time: We need you to indicate the hours you intend to work,and the nights for which you require accommodation or accommodation subsidy allowance. On days when the festival is open to the public (from Tuesday - Saturday) the working time should be taken in blocks based around the two core sessions of 1200-1800 and 1700-2300. Please mark these sessions as solid working time, breaks can be arranged with the manager of the section you are working on a daily basis. If you are unable to work complete sessions, please indicate the hours you do expect to work and provide a reason on the form. Outside of the core sessions, please just indicate the individual hours you are available to work.
NOTE - Don't forget to leave your session off blank (we would expect people working the whole event to take one session off throughout the course of the festival). Tutored Tasting session will be classed as a session off.
NOTE - Only experienced festival workers are required on the first two days of setup (Thursday and Friday) and the Tuesday of take down. You will need permission from your line manager to work on these days, and you need to indicate your line manager’s name on the form for validation. Other set up and take-down days (Saturday, Sunday & Monday for set up and Sunday & Monday of take-down) are open to anyone capable of helping, but numbers of people are restricted.

Accommodation: Wherever possible we would like people to arrange their own accommodation. If you have booked your own accommodation, CAMRA will provide an accommodation allowance of up to £30 + VAT per person per qualifying night. To claim this back, complete an expenses claim form (available from the Staffing Desk) and submit it accompanied by a valid receipt for all nights claimed. NOTE: You will need a VAT receipt, showing the hotel VAT number if you wish to claim the VAT element back.

For those unable to arrange their own accommodation, we provide free accommodation in university halls of residence subject to minimum work criteria being met. We have also secured a limited number of rooms in the Hilton next door to the NEC which shall be allocated on a first come first served basis. If you select your preference as Hilton then please note, this requires a minimum stay of Sunday to Sunday and will require you to pay £5 per night towards the cost of this accommodation. Details for payment shall be sent closer to the start of the festival.

We do require a damage deposit of £75. This is required in advance of arrival at the festival. We shall be sending a separate email regarding the deposit nearer the festival The system will only take your credit or debit card details and confirm they are valid, this will act as a guarantee; you will not be charged anything unless we are billed for damage in the room or loss of keys. Please be aware that the damage deposit will also be kept for no shows and cancellations after the deadline. Please indicate if there is anyone you would prefer to be near in the halls accommodation.

To qualify for accommodation (either allowance or in halls), volunteers are expected to work a minimum of 8-hours for each set-up/take-down night and a minimum of 10-hours for each night on open days (Tuesday to Saturday). Accommodation/allowance is only provided on days that you work, or the day before you commence work. If you require accommodation in halls, then you are required to work a minimum of three consecutive days.

Regardless of accommodation type it is important that the Accommodation box is checked for each day you are claiming.

Halls accommodation this year are at University Halls in Aston

Accommodation is in single ensuite rooms only.

General: Thank you for volunteering to help at the festival, it is an unpaid temporary position and if you have been before you know how rewarding it can be. If you are volunteering for the first time, thank you and welcome to the GBBF staffing team. Due to the change in venue this year you have not been automatically accepted to volunteer as we are uncertain who is likely to apply compared to jobs available but we shall endeavour to include you in the role you wish for, however, we may require you to work in a non preferred role for at least some time during the festival. We do reserve the right to decline offers. Postal receipt of your form will not be acknowledged. All volunteers whose forms we have received will be sent fuller details nearer the festival. If you do not receive a pack by the end of July then please email

You will be required to agree to abide by the Festival's Hygiene & Health & Safety guidelines, a copy of which can be downloaded here and agree to abide by the volunteer code of conduct which can be downloaded here.